If you never apply a theme to a diagram, the default theme is used. The default theme is set in the preferences. 如果您没有对图表应用主题时,就会使用默认的主题,默认主题是在偏好中进行设置的。
Note the default values for each preference are defined by the preferences structure, not the plugin class nor the preference page class. 注意,每个参数选择的默认值均由参数选择结构定义,而不是由插件类或参数选择页面类来定义。
Note that you also specify a default value for each of the user preferences ( green and0 for Sunday). 注意,您还为每个用户首选项指定了默认值(green和表示Sunday的0)。
The default settings in Preferences for the products under discussion are that a free-form diagram is created and set as the default diagram of each new Package. 讨论所涉及的产品的默认参数设置是为每一个新的包创建并且设置为默认图的一个自由格式的图。
Enter an appropriate value for Refresh Interval ( note: the default value is ok if you do not have any other preferences) 为RefreshInterval输入一个合适的值(注意:如果没有其他任何优选参数的话,可以使用默认值)
If you know that the GSTC is your default Web services test client in the Web services preferences, click Finish now. 如果确信在Web服务首选项中是GSTC默认的Web服务测试客户程序,就点击Finish按钮。
Otherwise, all preferences that are at their default values will be returned by the preferences store as0 or null. 否则,所有使用默认值的参数选择将被参数选择存储返回为0或null。
You can customize the default values for preferences by modifying the plugin_customization.ini file associated to the primary feature. 您可以通过修改主要功能部件的plugincustomization.ini文件来定制属性的默认值。
You can change the default statement terminator for all scripts that you create in the editor by specifying the new default statement terminator in ( Window> Preferences). 您可以在(Window>Preferences)中指定新的默认语句结束符,修改编辑器中创建的所有脚本的默认语句结束符。
Contains information about the default user preferences. 包含有关默认用户首选项的信息。
As a web designer, you should be aware of the fact that your visitors are able to change their default color preferences. 作为一个网页设计师来说,你应该注意到访问者能够改变默认颜色参数的情况。
You can also edit DSPAM's default preferences by leaving the input field empty. 您也可以编辑DSPAM的默认优惠离开输入栏为空。
You can accept the default option settings, or you can change them to suit your own preferences. 可以接受默认的选项设置,或者更改这些设置以符合您自己的偏好。
We ll use the default preferences in this book, but you might find that you ll want to customize some of the preferences when you develop your own web services. 在本书中我们将使用缺省首选项,但是您可能会发现,在您开发自己的web服务时,您会希望自定义一些首选项。
You can choose preferences each time you print a document or set default preferences to use for all documents that you send to a printer. 每次打印文档时可以选择首选项,或设置用于发送到打印机的所有文档的默认首选项。
An error occurred while reading the preference file "xx". default preferences will be used. 在读取首选项文件“xx”时发生了一个错误。将使用缺省的首选项。
It's disabled by default, so if you're using scrollable widgets, please go to Preferences and check "Enable scrollable widgets". 此项功能默认是关闭的,如果你使用可滚动的桌面小部件,请在设置中勾选“可滚动的桌面小部件支持”。
Use default settings from preferences 使用首选项中的缺省设置
By default, the address used in the from and reply to fields is the one you selected in the composing pane of mail preferences. 默认情况下,“发件人”和“回复”栏中使用的地址是您在mail偏好设置的“编写”面板中选择的地址。